Chú thích Agrocybe praecox

  1. Marcel Bon (1987). The Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain and North-Western Europe. Hodder & Stoughton. tr. 262. ISBN 0-340-39935-X
  2. Courtecuisse, R. & Duhem, B. (1994). Guide des champignons de France et d'Europe. Delachaux et Niestlé. tr. 360. ISBN 2-603-00953-2.  Also available in English.
  3. Henning Knudsen & Jan Vesterhout (2008). Funga Nordica. Copenhagen: Nordsvamp. tr. 828. . Here A. praecox is admitted to be a complex of species including A. acericola and A. sphaleromorpha.
  4. See Meinhard Moser, translated by Simon Plant (1983). Keys to Agarics and Boleti. 15a Eccleston Square, London: Roger Phillips. tr. 290. ISBN 0-9508486-0-3